
Find your pet no matter where and how far away it is.




Mobile App


The straying of pets implies not only a considerable loss for a family, but also generates anxiety and worry in their owners. An estimated 100 thousand dogs and cats are lost or stolen each year in the United States alone.


Develop an efficient tool for tracking and locating pets, that provides a positive and comforting experience for both owners and pets.

Petfinder Pet Activity Screen


The product are not very intuitive, which generates problems of use with inexperienced users.


I conducted interviews with users and secondary research, and with the information obtained I created Empathy Maps and a table of needs and actions to better understand their behavior..

PetFinder Empathy Map Petfinder Needs & Actions

Ideal journey

A User Journey “as to be” was performed to visualize the ideal path from ordering the product to linking it to the app.
This is because during the research the users had problems with this process, so I sought to find opportunity gaps with the User Journey.

Problem statement

Alicia is a 34 year old lawyer who has lost one of her pets in the past and is looking for an effective and simple way to keep an eye on her pet. This way she can feel safe and calm when she is not near her pet.

PetFinder User Journey

Main challenge

How might we design a product that is accessible and easy to handle for users with physical and visual disabilities?


Complementing the previous user journey, Task Flows and a sitemap were created to better organize the structure of the entire app.

PetFinder Task Flows PetFinder Sitemap

Visual design

The app was designed taking into account the accessibility and usability of the main features, to serve the user 's needs.

Petfinder Home Petfinder Alert Sounds
Petfinder Secure Fence Petfinder Exact Location
Petfinder Activity Present Day Petfinder Change Pet
Petfinder Account Settings Petfinder Pet Breed


A usability test was done followed by a survey with 5 users to see their behavior and opinion of the product.


System Usability Scale


Customer Satisfaction Score

Petfinder Edit pets info Petfinder Define goal for the day

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